In this issue, we have two items of interest about tech news plus a fantastic tutorial on how to use OneNote. We also have a few items of interest about Computer Corner. We are going to be experimenting with different formats for the newsletter.

In this issue, we have two items of interest about tech news plus a fantastic tutorial on how to use OneNote. We also have a few items of interest about Computer Corner. We are going to be experimenting with different formats for the newsletter. Please let us know what you think.
Got chips?
Michael Villella, our Purchasing and Sales Manager, has been scrambling to fill our warehouse with product. Why? The chip shortage is real and not expected to improve. Bloomberg has an in-depth article about why this seemingly simple problem is not easy to solve.
With the chip shortage causing prices to increase, consider a pre-owned system! Our pre-owned system inventory is a fantastic source of high quality systems at below-market prices!
Crypto Crash!
Our friends at Morning Brew discussed Elon Musk's influence on the Bitcoin market. So, what's the big deal? What is crypto and why should you care? Dusty Dial, from our Inside Sales Team, shares this video about Cryptocurrency. It is a simple overview of this buzz worthy and confusing topic.
Tech Tips – Microsoft OneNote
OneNote is a simple and effective way to take notes, store important documents, and organize your life! This tutorial will teach you all about Microsoft OneNote, part of the Office 365 suite of products.
Updates About Computer Corner
New Fancy Point of Sale System! On June 1, we will be unveiling our new point of sale of system. As you can imagine, we are nervous. Please be patient with us during the first two of week of June, as we will be learning! The good news is that this point of sale system will sync with our upcoming webstore, allowing you to keep a record of your purchases and your service history.
Change to Phone System. Also on June 1, we are making a slight change to our phone system. When you call, the system will answer and ask if you’d like to talk to Sales or Service. It will then route you to the department you’ve chosen. Our goal is to reduce wait times and get you the answers you need faster.
As always, please send feedback.