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Stop Alexa From Sharing Your Internet!

In this issue, our primary focus is on Amazon Sidewalk and how to opt-out of the network. Amazon conveniently (for them) opted every user of an Amazon device in to the Amazon Sidewalk network.


Amazon Sidewalk

Although technology has provided many amazing benefits, most of us prefer to choose how our data is used and whether or not we want to participate in the sharing of information or other resources. It appears that Amazon Sidewalk could be very beneficial, but privacy concerns are real.

If you want to skip to the end and opt-out: click here for instructions.

What is Amazon Sidewalk?

"Sidewalk can also extend the working range for your Sidewalk-enabled devices, such as Ring smart lights, pet locators, or smart locks, so they can stay connected and continue to work over longer distances. Amazon does not charge any fees to join Sidewalk."

Your contribution to Sidewalk is a small portion of your internet bandwidth -- 80Kbps, capped to a maximum of 500MB a month.

In return, you get access to Sidewalk, and if your internet goes down, or you have a device that's in a location where it has a poor connection, your devices get to tap into that shared bandwidth in order that your devices can continue to send you notifications.

Additional information Amazon, Alexa, and Amazon Devices:

  • ZDNet talks about the benefits of the Amazon Sidewalk network.

  • PCMag describes how to manage your Amazon devices with either the Alexa app via your smartphone or via the web browser.

  • CNET has a list of recommended settings for your Alexa devices.


Tech Tips – Microsoft To Do

Looking for a tool for tracking your tasks? What if you had a free tool that integrates with Planner, Outlook, Teams, to track your tasks? This tutorial will teach you all about Microsoft To Do, part of the Office 365 suite of products.

Updates About Computer Corner

  • On June 1, we started using a new point of sale system. Over the first two weeks, the feedback has been positive. Customers appreciate the speed of the new system. After we unveil our upcoming online store, you will be able to maintain record of your purchases and your service history in one location!

  • Also on June 7, we changed our phone system to allow the caller to select "1 for Service" or "2 for Sales" which sends your call directly to the department you’ve chosen. Our goal is to reduce wait times and get you the answers you need faster. Thus far, callers seem to appreciate being able to connect directly with a technician. There is no delay and no complicated phone tree - just select the option you desire and your call is answered directly.

As always, please send feedback.

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